Resist not Evil - Resist the Devil
Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 12:34PM
Barbara Symons

This is a recent reply to an email I received about the exhortation from Jesus not to resist evil and the paradoxical scripture that says resist the devil...

There are those who are called to a place of non resistance. I have written of a friend that admonished me recently - she said the following:
Barbara you cannot tell me there is no hell for I have been there. You cannot tell me there is no devil for I have stood before him.

My reply was this: "These things will appear externally as long as we need them to."

My understanding is this. The whole of the Bible is written or at least interpreted from an historical perspective albeit revealing an internal and mystical reality.

The devil we are to resist is the ego within ourselves - the one who sits as the son of perdition making himself to be like God. It is this devil that appears externally until the creature understands that the Biblical accounts show a reflection of man's own nature. As humans, we need an external foe to place blame upon. It is hard for the ego to come to the realization that it is in fact the adversary of the burgeoning Christ that is being birthed within.

We all must come to the point of our own crucifixion where our humanity intersects our divinity and the life of ego as master of the mind and body relinquishes its role in favor as one that becomes servant of the Divine. This is the donkey as it bears the Christ to Calvary. It is likewise the white steed of the Book of Revelation as it undergoes transformation from master of earthly burdens to valiant servant of the risen Christ (in you, the hope of glory).

It is through this path, and this path only that the body is raised from mortal to immortal. Jesus modeled this path and stated that it was the only way to the Father - the progenitor, the source of all. It is not a reward for raising a hand or walking an aisle and is not preferential to Christians. This is a hard thing for Christians to understand that their religion is not the panacea that they espouse - yet another indicator of the ego at large within our consciousness.

Many warm regards,


Article originally appeared on barbarasymons (
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